Hello so I've got a different type of post for you all today. We all love to save a few pound so I've put together a list of 30 ways to save £1 (or more, or a little under). The lovely people are MoneySupermarket.com are giving all bloggers a chance to submit their 30 Ways to Save a £1. For every tip you share, you get £1! Nice one huh? You find out more info
1. If you're shopping online, check online to see if there are any discounts codes available. You'd be surprised at how much you could save!
2. Every week, have a clean out of your purse, put any coins into a jar, after a while your jar will start to fill up!
3. If you have any old phones you dont need send them to envirophone!
4. If you have any old cds/dvds etc send them to Music Magpie. They're no use to you sitting around the house unused.
5. If you find yourself stopping off to grab a coffee on the way to school/work, try bringing your own from home in a reuseable travel mug. Those few pounds add up!
6. Always bring your own lunch from home to school or work. A lot of the time its healthier AND cheaper. Win win!
7. If you're a student, check out if you're eligible for a student discount. Many stores offer them. All you need is a student card.
8. Instead of buying a new wardrobe, root through your own and try DIYing and customising old clothes. There are a million helpful tutorials on youtube!
9. Have a root through your dads closet! Cut the sleeves off one of his old baggy t shirts and make it into a muscle vest top!
10. Make a list of everything you spend money on each week. Cut anything that you really can't live without. Be brutal.
11. Instead of always having nights out, have nights in with your friends. Each of you could bring a snack (microwave popcorn, chocolate, sweets!) and pop in a DVD. Way more fun than a night out and generally will cost less!
12. Make a list before going grocery shopping with the estimated cost of each item. ONLY bring enough cash to cover the cost of those items (maybe an extra fiver just in case you guessed wrong!). This will stop you throwing random items into your trolley!
13. Thrawl eBay and local charity shops. You never know what you'll find and it can't hurt to try!
14. Skip the hairdressers and dye your hair at home (unless you're going blonde.. do..not...do...that.)
15. Fill up water bottles with tap water and pop in the fridge to chill instead of buying bottled water.
16. Make sure your TV isn't left on standby.
17. Plug out any electrical items from the socket. Especially phone chargers. Even if your phone is not attached to the end it still rises your electricity bill!
18. Don't be afraid to bargain at a car boot sale. Chances are, that seller wants the item gone that day so you might as well chance your arm!
19. Don't be attracted to huge SALE signs on items in the supermarket. Just because its on sale doesn't mean you need it. If you weren't going to buy it in the first place, don't. You're just throwing away money because its on sale.
20. Be wary of 3 for 2 sales. If you were only going to pick up one item. Only get the one. Don't double the cost for yourself to get the extra free item. Its not worth the cost.
21. eBay is a great place to pick up phone cases for a couple of pounds compared to the £15 in shops!
22. Try shopping in store rather than online if you can. You avoid shipping costs and also the costs of sending the item back if it didn't fit properly. In store, you can try it on.
23. Always ask for a sample if you're thinking of buying something. Don't be afraid of the sales assistants. Its their job to ASSIST you. Be brave and explain you wanted to try a particular product but weren't sure how your skin would react with it and ask if you could have a sample to try at home.
24. When shopping, watch your basket. Even though you might think 'oh everything is so cheap'. All those cheap items add up.
25. Check reviews online from your favourite bloggers (hint hint ;)) before buying a product.
26. If you have old gold jewellery at home that is useless to you, try places like cash for gold.
27. Have a wardrobe clear out and head to a car boot sale. If getting up early isn't your thing, hop onto eBay and sell sell sell!
28. If you smoke, STOP IT. The amount of money you could save on cigarettes is crazy.
29. If an item of clothing has a small stain or something that you could easily fix at home, don't be afraid to ask the sales assistant if you could possibly get a discount.
30. Use MoneySupermarket to compare prices!