Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Your 'Perfect Smile' Kit free with Cosmopolitan??

So while I was in the supermarket i couldn't help but check out their magazine section and of course I couldn't leave without picking up at least one..or two. I ended up picking up Cosmopolitan and Stellar and thought I'd give you guys a heads up on the freebies in Cosmopolitan!

 So for the November issue, they've included a full sized MissGuided 'lipsplash' with 3 colour options, I ended up getting the light pink called 'Love'. If you want a particular one you need to move the box around to find the sticker that says  the colour but tbh I wasn't that bothered and just grabbed a random one!
I'm not going to get into too much detail about the lipgloss right now, I want  to use it a few times before I review it!
The one thing I AM excited about (my life is so sad that little things like these get me excited) is the Oral B 3D White toothpaste. Yes, toothpaste, I'm excited about toothpaste. I wanted to try this for a while but wasn't sure if it would be any good so at least now I can try it, and let you guys know if its worth the £3.49 (around €4.00). Its 15ml so its like one of those mini travel toothpastes you get for your holidays.

With your glossy lips and your new sparkly teeth you'll be beating the boys away with a stick!*

Is there any other freebies in other magazines I should look out for? I hear there's going to be a nail polish in the next issue of Glamour? I'm obsessed with magazines, like that's what the majority of my money is spent on. They're handy for post inspiration!

Emma xo

*please note I cant guarantee this will occur. ;)


  1. I've got to say the name of your blog drew me in because it's a take that song but I LOVE your blog! So I'm a new follower! I see you have another so I'm following that too hehe
    Could you check mine out and follow me too?

    1. Thank you so much I really appreciate it!
      Yeah of course heading over there now :)



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